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10 search results

  • DMS Datastore: DMS Datastore
    Answer: DMS DataStore The DMS DataStore offers the possibility to store lists of vehicles and linked customers coming from one or more external databases (DMS systems or ...
  • Reception app: Reception app - How it works.
    Answer: Introduction The "reception" allows you to take in or deliver customers cars and / or replacement cars. The application is based on two elements: "Departures" and "returns"   Departures: - ...
  • System: Extra permissions - modify customer data
    Answer:   An extra functionality has been added that makes it possible to determine which users can edit customer data in a file. You can find these ...
  • Stock: How do I place an item in stock that was delivered but not used?
    Answer: If you ordered a part via PlanManager, but you will no longer need to use it on the car you ordered it for, you can ...
  • Rental: Usual Driver.
    Answer: Usual driver When you enter a usual driver to a rental car, that person will receive a SMS as a reminder when the replacement car is ...
  • Maintenance: Linking a supplier to a location
    Answer: A new field has been added in Management - Third Parties - Suppliers. By means of this field you can indicate at which location you ...
  • Audatex: The queue for Audatex jobs.
    Answer:   The queue for Audatex jobs.   1. Set PlanManager to use the queue. To configure PlanManager, go to the "System" tab - "Options." Search in the list setting: ...
  • Inspector3 app: Inspector3 app - How do I download it, install it & use it?
    Answer: Inspector 3 app    To download the "Inspector 3" application, navigate to our website: https://insypro.com/klantenzone/?lang=en       When you downloaded the application (there is a possibility that your tablet will ...
  • Installation/Configuration: How do I install the link between the paint mixing scale & PlanManager?
    Answer: PlanManager    Navigate to the "System" tab and make sure that SCALE_PROGRAM configuration settings are on the right paint mixing scale.  Possible settings:  - Glasurit  - Axalta Group (Cromax, Standox, ...
  • 2024 UPDATES: Plan Manager Release Notes 202417
    Answer: Reception application: Driver and owner driving license photos should no longer be uploaded as one image, but always be displayed as a merged image. ...

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