Here’s what’s new in the 202416 version - June 2024

Here’s what’s new in the 202416 version: 


Rental: When a new courtesy car was created with a new Model (a model that has not yet been registered in Plan Manager) the car was saved but without model. This has been resolved and the new courtesy car is saved with the new model information.  


Reception Application: The driver license pictures now correctly inside the owner file within Plan Manager after the rental process is done via the reception app. 


Solera Datacenter - Plan Manager Core (20240105): The calculation PDF is now displayed correctly and can be downloaded from the Plan Manager Core.  


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Solera Datacenter – Scheduled Reporting: Scheduled reports are now being correctly generated at specified time/date.  


Insypro Datacenter - .Msg Drag and drop: The email (.msg) drag and drop functionality has now been restored on the Insypro Data center. You will once again be able to upload emails as well as pdf, .doc and jpeg files to within the job in Plan Manager. 


General: Privacy notice will now be visible by default for all users.  

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Several technical improvements have also been implemented. 


Last update:
2024-06-11 14:12
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