Plan Manager Release Notes 202417

Reception application: Driver and owner driving license photos should no longer be uploaded as one image, but always be displayed as a merged image.

Rental: Fixed an issue with Rental_Free. Setting the Rental_Free parameter in the general settings to "no" will now automatically populate the default option "0%" in the discount box.

Setting the Rental_Free option to "yes" will now automatically populate the option "100% free" in the discount box.

Claims flow calendar: When you click on the calendar, it now appears above the tasks, allowing you to select a specific date.

Invoicing: Previously, the VAT exemption choice was not saved after it was selected. Now, the selected option is retained even after selecting and returning to the list. In addition, the option "UNIT - 0%" is placed as the first option in the list.


ODBC connection - Solera Datacenter:
We have fixed the following options so that search results are again obtained from the customer's local database.




If the ODBC functionality is misconfigured in Plan Manager, the new core will no longer display a connection error or crash. Instead, the following message will be displayed: "The feature you were trying to use is deprecated. Contact customer service to enable the new ODBC connection.

Please refer to the FAQ "ODBC Connections Guide in PLANMANAGER" for the new guide on how to ensure your ODBC connection is configured correctly.


Last update:
2024-07-01 12:04
Jessica Crowley
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