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  • Automatic Time Registration (Workshop).
    The automatic time registration (Workshop)   Automatic time registration (ATR) is a system in which employees can register on tasks which they are going to work on. ...
  • Advanced settings.
    Introduction The installation of PlanManager, as described in  How to install plan manager?, will automatically add a number of standard configurations. This document explains what is ...
  • Automatic ending of time registrations
    When you use the option AUTO_STOP_TASKS ('maintenance' - 'options') the time registration will be stopped after a certain time after the employee scheduled schedule, if ...
  • Appointment VS Vehicle in.
    Appointment VS Vehicle in.   ...
  • Adjusting checkin permissions
      Additional permissions were added that allow users to adjust their check in/check out. With these rights, incorrect check in's/attendances can be adjusted.   You can activate these permissions by ...
  • Additional logging of deletion activities
    As of this release (06/21), additional logging has been added regarding deletion of activities in the file. Previously there was a log that showed that ...
  • Additional configuration credit note order lines
      When a certain item is added to a purchase credit note, the item will automatically be set to the status "credited" based on the following configuration:  AUTO_SET_ORDERLINE_TO_CREDITED This option is set to 'no' (=default) ...
  • Add photos from gallery Inspector3
    From the new release (Sept 2020) of our inspector3 application it will be possible to add photos from the gallery to the file. This ensures ...
  • Adress book
    An option was added to create an address book in PlanManager. You can check the address book going to Maintenance - Third parties - Address ...
  • Additional option PLAN_BLOCK_ENTRY
    Sometimes it happens that automatic rescheduling creates a conflict between the planned end date in the job and the end date of the planning. To ...