Use standard comments on an invoice


Similar comments occur regularly on invoices. It is therefore convenient to store frequently used comments so you don’t need to type them again.

Create standard comments

You can create standard comments through the menu "Invoicing" - "Sales" - "Standard Comments”.

On the left you can create a new standard comment by giving it a name and choosing the language of your remark (so your comment will appear automatically in the language of the customer)

Then click on the save button to add the name to the list.

You will see on the right the list of comments. Should you still want to make changes, you can click on the line in question.

Using the comments in an invoice

If you created standard remarks will you create or change a bill get to see a list of possible observations. In the invoice the comment list is displayed under the comment box.

The list of comments that appear depend on the language of the customer / invoice. If there is no drop-down list, there is are standard comments to the selected language.


2019-10-08 11:40
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