How do I place an item in stock that was delivered but not used?

If you ordered a part via PlanManager, but you will no longer need to use it on the car you ordered it for, you can put this item in stock

1. Open the order

Open the order where you want to put the item in stock . You can open an order from the job in question or from the submenu "order list".

In the job, click on the "order" button and then click on "Previous orders".

From the submenu "Order list" you can search for your specific order. Then select the order you need.

2. Place a part in stock

Click the "stock" button in the line of the part you want to place in stock. (see below)

The system will then ask you if you're about to send this item in stock.

Click OK to place the part in your stock.


2019-10-08 11:59
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