Tasks automatically on ‘on hold’ based on certain status

As of this release (06/21), there is a new configuration available that allows tasks to be automatically set to 'on hold' status based on a certain status in the file. To set this up you can go to System - General Settings. Here you can find the following configuration option: 


In this configuration you get the option to select statuses. When you are going to use these statuses in the file, the tasks will automatically be set to on hold. 


If you would like to add a certain status to this, you can go to System - Lists- Status in PlanManager. Here you can add/delete/edit statuses. 

After the configuration you will see that after selecting this status in the file (don't forget to press save) the tasks will automatically be set to status 'on hold'. 


ATTENTION: If you use a status in the file (that sets the tasks to 'stopped' automatically) a corresponding planning of these tasks will also be deleted. It is not possible to restore this planning. You will have to reschedule the file yourself. 


2022-02-09 08:54
Sophia Bouhajra
Průměrné hodnocení:0 (0 hlasů)

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