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  • Survey - how to.
    Introduction Satisfaction surveys are an important topic. Almost all insurance companies require to submit a satisfaction survey or ask permission to your the customer to send ...
  • Self-steering workshop planning.
    Introduction PlanManager's name comes from the planning that was built in, to manage your bodyshop efficiently. However, we understand that using the planning isn’t convenient for ...
  • Scan app - How do I download it, install it and add it to PlanManager?
  • Self Service Portal block time locks for appointment
    It is possible to block certain days or half days so that no arrangements for making an appointment can be scheduled. For this you need to ...
  • Scanner 2
    New scan app   A new application is available that makes it possible to scan articles from stock. The new application can be downloaded from insypro.com - ...
  • Self Service Portal: add photos to a job
    PlanManager's Self Service Portal is a website that allows the customer to report information about damage (including photos) and to schedule an appointment for an ...
  • Split function planning
    An adjustment has been made to the split function in PlanManager. From now on, when splitting a task, the time already worked on it will ...
  • Switch environment button + ability to remove users in the workshop application
    An adjustment was made so that the 'environment change' button is no longer visible by default on the application login screen. As soon as the ...
  • Scheduled Reports
    An adjustment was made to the planned reports. Starting with this release, a scheduled report that takes longer than 15 minutes to load will be ...
  • Standard Invoice Remarks
    In the release of October an adjustment was made that makes it possible to place different standard comments on 1 invoice. An extra configuration option ...
  • Standard damage flow
    An extra functionality has been added that will ensure that a damage flow will be automatically selected when a new job is created. By default, ...
  • Sending mails
    Sending mailsAs for sending e-mails, there was a problem at the beginning of the month. This problem has since been resolved.You can check this via ...