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  • Configuration options.
    NameTypeDescription ACCOUNTING_SOFTWARE string name of external accounting software ('WinBooks','ProLink','Bob','Exact Online','ExpertM','Octopus','Lijn100') ACCOUNTING_USERNAME string username for external accounting software ACCOUNTING_PASSWORD string password for external accounting software ACCOUNTING_BOOKYEAR_PERIOD string 'monthly' or 'quarterly' ACCOUNTING_BOOKYEAR_START string month + day, must be 4 chars (eg. 0631) ALL_INFORMEX_IDS boolean 0 ...
  • Calculation of the parts purchase value.
    In the claim you will find a list of items you can order. The prices of these items are sales prices. To make a proper ...
  • Can I receive a text message from the customer?
    Yes, you can! Sending a text message is the easiest way to inform a customer about the repair of his car.  You can type in the message ...
  • Create a template price request
    If you wish to send a price inquiry to a supplier, you may want to make use of the ordermodule. In the ordermodule you open the ...
  • Creating a customer through his VAT number.
    You can add a customer quickly in the owner screen file level with the correct information by looking up the customer on its enterprise number ...
  • Customer types.
    Customer types Customer Types can be changed and added trough “Maintenance - Third Parties - Customer Types”. The translation for a particular language can be changed ...
  • Copying a job.
    Copying a job.   When a known customer brings his (known) car in for a new job, there is an easy way to copy his / her ...
  • Can I send email with my own address/domain?
    Yes, this is possible. It can be ensured that if you send an e-mail from PlanManager, the sender no longer receives m@mail.planmanager.be but for example info@pm.yourdomain.com. This ...
  • CAPS connection: importing jobs and keeping them up-to-date.
    Caps connection There is a dropdown item under Job section called Job Queue. There you can find CAPS. This page will show all incoming jobs from ...
  • Credits: what are they and what can I do with them?
    With credits you can add extra functionality to PlanManager. This allows you, for example, to conduct surveys with your customers, send SMS, place digital orders with ...
  • Clicking from from within a job to an order
    From now (07/2021) on it is possible to click through to the orders from the file. At the bottom right, under the time entries, you ...
  • Communication preferences of parties
    An extra function has been added to PlanManager that makes it possible to set a preference for communication with the owner/director/.... . You can find this function in ...
  • Configuring the calendar
    A new configuration has been added which makes it possible to determine the time blocks in the calendar. This in order to correctly display the ...
  • Caps Interest code functionaly (only for UK)
    To use this functionaly you can activate the permissions going to System – Usergroups - ‘System’- customized settings- caps rulebook. When the permissions are activated ...
  • Colorize block number
    From this release (06/20) it is possible to give the block numbers a color. To set this you can go to System – Customized settings- ...