15 users online | 15 Guests and 0 Registered


  • Payment reminders
    In “Invoicing” - “Reminders” you can manage and send reminders. If you do not see this page, your user group has no access to this page, ...
  • Planning In/Out.
    Planning In/Out.   The planning in/out shows all the vehicles that: 1) are scheduled to arrive in the body shop. 2) are in the body shop. 3) will leave the ...
  • Parts- Purchase invoice creation
    The process to create a purchase invoice for parts has been simplified. Instead of moving to the Invoicing section to create a parts purchase invoice, this is ...
  • Permission usergroups
    Additional permissions were added who make it possible to determine which users can change the permissions of other users. From the current release onwards, it ...
    A new configuration was added in PlanManager. This configuration will indicate whether a car has been planned correctly based on the repair appointment and the ...
  • PlanManager Release Notes 202415
    Here’s what’s new in the version 202415   There was an issue with the layout of the printed Audatex / Informex calculation in PlanManager. This has been ...
  • PlanManager Release Notes 202416
    Here’s what’s new in the 202416 version:    Rental: When a new courtesy car was created with a new Model (a model that has not yet been ...
  • PlanManager Release Notes 202417
    Reception application: Driver and owner driving license photos should no longer be uploaded as one image, but always be displayed as a merged image. ...
  • PlanManager Release Notes 202419
    Release 202419   The Car-pass link has been improved The Car-Pass link has been improved in such a way that it is now possible to tick the "Damage ...
  • PlanManager Release Notes 202421
      Release 202421   A defect was identified and resolved within the Rental Planning system, which previously allowed double bookings of vehicles. Since the release of version 202416, there ...