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How do I install PlanManager?

How do I install PlanManager?




This document describes a standard installation and configuration for PlanManager. For advanced configuration, you can consult the  Advanced Configuration.

Requirements / Prerequisites

Windows environment: 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

PDF Reader: For example Foxit or Adobe Acrobat Reader


You can download the latest PlanManager version planning via http://insypro.com/setup.msi when Windows asks you to run or to save the file, you choose run.


Make sure you have administrator rights on the PC.

Open the downloaded file setup.msi. Click Run.

 Click Next

Click Next

Click Install

Wait ...

Click Finish

You now see the PlanManager icon on your desktop. Double click to open the program for the first time. The program will begin with the first configuration.



The system will ask for your business name (company name) at first boot.


The company name will be used by PlanManager to configure your system. This will be communicated in the first training session.

The company name must be entered without spaces and lowercase.

Some example:

The Spanish demo environment has the PlanManager company name “demoes”.

Advanced Configuration

If you have a Terminal Server or want to change the PlanManager settings to your liking, please quote the document Advanced Configuration for more information.



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2019-10-08 10:30
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