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Using the ODBC link


For the ODBC connection to work, you need to adjust a few things. If you follow the steps below, the link should be set correctly.
  1. Contact us. We will settle the LOAD_BY_LICENSE configuration.

  2. In the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / HSS / Core you should see the following adjustments:

    • odbc_user

    • odbc_password

    • odbc_database

    • odbc_server

  3. In the installation folder PlanManager (C: / Program Files / Insypro / PlanManager) 2 files have to be added:

    • client.sql

    • vehicle.sql


  1. If you do not have SQL files then you can contact us.

  2. It is also possible that the SQL files you have are not good.

  3. Restart PlanManager after taking these steps.

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2019-10-08 10:50
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