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How can I use variable fields in my communication templates?




In PlanManager, you can create communication templates yourself via 'Maintenance' - ' 'Comm templates'.


This can be useful for quickly sending a standard text to customers.


You can also use variable fields in those communication templates.

That way you can personalize a standard text for a particular customer.

For Example:


Dear [Title] [Client],
Your vehicle [Make] [Model] [Licenseplate] is repaired.
Best regards,



Dear mr. Janssens,

Your vehicle BMW 320 1AES624 is repaired.

Best regares,
Matthias Van Woensel
Insypro - Planmanager

Own fields

If you want to use your own fields in your communication template, you can do this by adding the value CF.

For example: suppose you have added your own 'External Refnr' field. Then you can use this by using the [CFExtern refnr] tag.

If your own field is not on the file screen but on the owner's popup, use the prefix CO (O of Owner) Example: [COExtern refnr]. If your own field is not on the file screen but on the insurer's popup, use the prefix CI (I of Insurer). Example: [CIExtern refnr]





A full list of all possible variable fields can be found below.


[Company] Name Company
[CompanyAddress] Adress Company
[CompanyBank1Bic] BIC/Swift code v. bank (1)
[CompanyBank2Bic] BIC/Swift code v. bank (2)
[CompanyBank1Iban] IBAN accountnr. Company (1)
[CompanyBank2Iban] IBAN accountnr. Company (2)
[CompanyFax] Fax Company
[CompanyMail] Email Company
[CompanyNr] VAT-number Company (Ondernemingsnr)
[CompanyPhone] Phonenumber Bedrijf
[CompanyRPR] Registrationoffice Company
[CompanyShort] Shortened Companyname
[CompanyTown] Town Company
[CompanyType] Type Company (BVBA/NV)
[CompanyWebsite] Website Company
[CompanyZipcode] Zipcode Company
[Now] Date of print
[NowBin] Date of print in BIN format
[NowTime] Time of print
[Signature] Digitale signature
[User] Current User
[UserPhone] Phone User
[UserMail] Email adress User
[Year] Year of print


[AlbatrosRef] Albatrosreference
[Alignment] Alignment (Yes/No)
[Blocknr] Blocknumber
[CourtesyCar] Courtesycar (Yes/No)
[Damage] Damage description
[DamageSL] Damage description single line (limit 92 caracters)
[DamageWW] Damage desription with wordwrap
[DirectPayment] Direct payment (Yes/No)
[Estimation] Active Estimation (Visible on screen)
[File] File number
[Informexnr] Informexnumber
[Informexinfo] Info from Informex
[Ordernr] File number (Alias)
[RepairDesc] Repair description
[RepairDescWW] Repair description with wordwrap
[Status] Status description
[TaskComments] All notes of tasks merged
[Ubenchnr] Ubenchreference
[VatBookNr] Number from VAT-book

File (Date & Time)

[AppointmentDate] Appointment Date
[AppointmentTime] Appointment Time
[AppointmentQuoteDate] Date for quote appointment
[AppointmentQuoteTime] Time for quote appointment
[CreationDate] Creation Date file
[DamageDate] Damage Date
[Date] Damage Date (Alias)
[Finished] Date Repair Finish
[FinishedTime] Time Repair Finish
[PickupDate] Date pickup/deliverd
[PickupTime] Time pickup/deliverd
[PredictedEnd] Predicted end
[PredictedEndTime] Tijd van voorziene einddatum
[Ready] Datum klaar
[ReadyTime] Tijd van datum klaar
[SignoffDate] Afmeldingsdatum
[Started] Date Started
[StartedTime] Time Started
[VehicleIn] Date Vehicle in
[VehicleInTime] Time Vehicle in
[WorkTime] Sum duration of tasks
[RepairPlannedStart] Planned start based on the planning
[RepairPlannedEnd] Planned end based on the planning

File (Financial)

[ProductTotal] Total cost parts (active estimation)
[ProductTotalInvoice] Total cost parts (invoice estimation)
[RentalCost] Total cost first courtesyCar 
[ServiceTotal] Total cost tasks (active estimation)
[ServiceTotalInvoice] Total cost tasks (invoice estimation)
[TotalEx] Total Exclusive (estimation)
[TotalIn] Total Inclusive (estimation)
[TotalVat] Total VAT (estimation)
[VatPercent] VAT percentage

Tasks (In block -> [:Services] ... [/:Services])

[Category] task type
[Comment] Comment
[Cost] Total cost (from estimation)
[HourlyRate] Rate per hour (from estimation)
[Time] Time in minutes
[TimeAE] Time in labourhours
[Type] Tasktype (description)

Parts (In blok -> [:Products] ... [/:Products])

[Category] Category partstype
[Comment] Comment
[Name] Name (description)
[Number] Number
[Quantity] Quantity
[Price] Unitprice (from estimation)
[Replace] Replacing (Yes/No)
[Total] Total price (from estimation)
[Type] Partstype (description)

Activities (In block -> [:Activities] ... [/:Activities])

[Breaktime] Breaktime in seconds
[Day] Day of performance
[Duration] Duration in seconds
[Employee] Name executive employee
[End] Date + hour finishing
[EndTime] End Time
[Rate] Salery Rate executive emplyee
[Start] Date + hour start
[StartTime] hour start
[Tasktype] Tasktype (description)


[Alarm] Alarm (Yes/No)
[AlarmCode] Alarmcode
[Body] Vehicletype (selectionfield popup details vehicle)
[Colour] Colour
[ColourCode] Colourcode
[Doors] Number of doors
[FirstRegistration] Date first registration
[Fuel] Fuel
[KW] KiloWatt
[Licenseplate] Licenseplate
[Make] Make
[Mileage] Mileage damage
[Mileage2] Mileage repair
[Model] Model
[ModelYear] Year of construction
[PaintType] Painttype
[RadioCode] Radiocode
[Remarks] Remarks
[SecondRegistration] Date second registration
[Trim] Trim (colour interior)
[Type] Vehicletype (free field left colomn filescreen)
[Vin] Vin
[Vinnr] Vin (alias)
[Vatdeductability] VAT deductability

Third Parties

[Agent] Name agent
[AgentFile] Filenumber agent
[Confirmator] Name user who set repairorder
[Creator] Name user who created the file
[DamageClaim] Filenumber damageclaim
[Excess] Excess
[Expert] Name expert 1
[ExpertFile] Filenumber expert
[ExpertInformexNr] Informexnumber expert
[Expert2] Name expert 2
[Expert2File] Filenumber expert 2
[Expert3] Name expert 3
[Expert3File] Filenumber expert 3
[InsuranceNr] Insurancenumber
[Insurer] Name Insurer
[Repairer] Name Repairer
[Towage] Towage (Yes/No)


[Class] Vehicle class
[Days] Number of days
[Damage_Start] Damage courtesyCar at start
[Damage_End] Damage courtesyCar at arrival 
[End_Date] End date rental
[End_Hour] End hour rental
[Excess] Excess insurance
[FreeKM] Mileage without extra costs
[Mileage_Start] Mileage at start
[Mileage_End] Mileage at arrival
[Planned_Start] Planned startdate rental (date and hour)
[Planned_Start_Date] Planned startdate rental (date)
[Planned_Start_Hour] Planned startdate rental (hour)
[Planned_End] Planned enddate rental (date and hour)
[Planned_End_Date] Planned enddate rental (date)
[Planned_End_Hour] Planned enddate rental (hour)
[Rent] Rental price per day

Internal id (not suitable for publication)

[R_Automatic] Automatic (Yes/No)
[R_CarCost] Rentalcost vehicletype
[R_Colour] Color CourtesyCar
[R_Damage] Damage CourtesyCar
[R_DriveFrom] Date in use CourtesyCar
[R_Emission] Emission CourtesyCar
[R_Free] Free (Yes/No)
[R_Fuel] Fuel CourtesyCar
[R_FuelCapacity] Fuelcapacity CourtesyCar
[R_Insurance] Insurance CourtesyCar (ba/omnium)
[R_Licenseplate] Licenseplate CourtesyCar
[R_Location] Location rental
[R_Emission] CO2 emission
[R_Make] Make CourtesyCar
[R_Model] Model CourtesyCar
[R_Number] Number CourtesyCar
[R_Reason] Reason rental
[R_Reference] Reference rental
[R_Ref_Licenseplate] Licenseplate of the replacement car
[R_Remarks] Remarks entered per rental!=damage
[R_Service] Service rental
[R_Total] Total rental cost
[R_Type] Type CourtesyCar
[R_Vinnr] Vinnumber CourtesyCar
[Signature_Start] Signature start reparation
[Signatute_End] Signature end reparation
[Start_Date] Startdate rental
[Start_Hour] Hour start rental
[Fuel_Level_Start] Fuel level at start 
[Fuel_Level_End] Fuel level at end
[Fuel_Difference] Fuel Difference (could be negative)
[Fuel_Usage] Fuel Usage difference (only positive)

Subcontracting job

[ThirdPartyDelivery] Expected delevery
[ThirdPartyDescr] Third party description
[ThirdPartyEnd] End date
[ThirdPartyEstCost] Estimated cost
[ThirdPartyInvCost] Invoiced cost
[ThirdPartyReinvAmt] Re-invoice amount
[ThirdPartyRemarks] Remarks
[ThirdPartyStart] Start date



[Location] Name location
[LocationAddress] Adress
[LocationBankBic] BIC/Swift code bank
[LocationBankIban] Iban accountnr. from location
[LocationColor] Colorcode (adjustable in maintenance)
[LocationContact] Contactperson
[LocationCountry] Country
[LocationFax] Fax
[LocationNumber] VAT-number
[LocationMail] Email-adress
[LocationPhone] Phone
[LocationRepairer] Name repairer
[LocationRPR] RPR
[LocationTown] Town
[LocationType] Companytype
[LocationWebsite] Website
[LocationZipcode] Zipcode

Customer / Owner

[Client] Name customer/owner
[ClientAddress] Adress
[ClientAddress2] Adress 2
[ClientCountry] Country
[_ClientCountry] Country in English
[ClientEligibleNr] Eligible number
[ClientExists] CSS-rule customer (normal/none)
[ClientFax] Fax
[ClientMail] Email-adress
[ClientMobile] Mobile number
[ClientMobileOrPhone] Mobile number when filled in, otherwise phonenr
[ClientNumber] VAT-number
[ClientPhone] Phone
[ClientRef] Customer reference
[ClientTitle] Title (= Type, conversion from config)
[ClientTown] Town
[ClientType] Type (Business, Sir...)
[ClientZipcode] Zipcode
[ClientLicense] Driverlicense
[ClientVat] VAT percentage
[ClientBusinessType] Business type
[ClientComment] Comment field
[ClientBankIban] Iban code
[ClientBankBic] Bic code
[ClientExtRef] Informex reference
[ClientContact] Contact
[ClientInvoiceterm] Payment Term
[ClientIdentitycardBirthday] Birthdate IDcard
[ClientIdentitycardExpiry] Expiredate IDcard
[ClientIdentitycardStart] Date IDcard valid from
[ClientIdentitycardBirthPlace] Birthplace IDcard
[ClientIdentitycardIssuance] Place of issue
[ClientIdentitycardNumber] IDcard number


[Driver] Name driver
[DriverAddress] Adress
[DriverAddress2] Adress 2
[DriverBankBic] Bic code
[DriverBankIban] Iban code
[DriverComment] Comment field
[DriverCountry] Country
[DriverExists] CSS-rule driver (normal/none)
[DriverFax] Fax
[DriverIdentitycardBirthday] Birthdate on IDcard
[DriverIdentitycardExpiry] Expiredate IDcard
[DriverIdentitycardStart] IDcard valid from
[DriverIdentitycardBirthPlace] Birthplace IDcard
[DriverIdentitycardIssuance] Place of issue
[DriverIdentitycardNumber] IDcard number
[DriverLicense] Number driverlicense
[DriverMail] Email-adress
[DriverMobile] Mobile number
[DriverPhone] Phone
[DriverMobileOrPhone] Mobile number when filled in otherwise phonenumber
[DriverRef] Driverreference
[DriverTown] Town
[DriverType] Type (Business, Sir, ...)
[DriverVat] VAT percentage
[DriverZipcode] Zipcode

Insured party

[InsuredParty] Name insured party
[InsuredPartyAddress] Adress
[InsuresPartyAddress2] Adress 2
[InsuredPartyBankBic] Bic code
[InsuredPartyBankIban] Iban code
[InsuredPartyComment] Comment field
[InsuredPartyCountry] Country
[InsuredPartyExists] CSS- rule Insured party (normal/none)
[InsuredPartyFax] Fax
[InsuredPartyLicense] Number driverlicense
[InsuredPartyMail] Email-adress
[InsuredPartyMobile] Mobile number
[InsuredPartyMobileOrPhone] Mobilenr when filled in otherwise phonenumber
[InsuredPartyNumber] VAT-number
[InsuredPartyPhone] Phone
[InsuredPartyRef] Insured party reference
[InsuredPartyTown] Town
[InsuredPartyType] Type (business, sir, ...)
[InsuredPartyVat] VAT percentage
[InsuredPartyZipcode] Zipcode

Sent by

[SentBy] Name party send by
[SentByAddress] Adress
[SentByAddress2] Adress 2
[SentByBankBic] Bic code
[SentByBankIban] Iban code
[SentByComment] Comment field
[SentByCountry] Country
[SentByExists] CSS- rule Insured party(normal/none)
[SentByFax] Fax
[SentByLicense] Number driverlicense
[SentByMail] Email-adress
[SentByMobile] Mobilenumber
[SentByNumber] VAT-number
[SentByPhone] Phone
[SentByRef] Sent by reference
[SentByTown] Town
[SentByType] Type (Business, sir, ...)
[SentByVat] VAT percentage
[SentByZipcode] Zipcode

 Expert (1)

[Expert] Name expert 1
[ExpertAddress] Adress
[ExpertCountry] Country
[ExpertExists] CSS-rule Expert (normal/none)
[ExpertFax] Fax
[ExpertMail] Email-adress
[ExpertMobile] Mobilenumber
[ExpertPhone] Phone
[ExpertRef] Reference
[ExpertTown] Town


 Expert (2)

[Expert2] Name expert 2
[Expert2Address] Adress
[Expert2Country] Country
[Expert2Exists] CSS-rule Expert (normal/none)
[Expert2Fax] Fax
[Expert2Mail] Email-adress
[Expert2Mobile] Mobilenumber
[Expert2Phone] Phone
[Expert2Ref] Reference
[Expert2Town] Town
[Expert2Zipcode] Zipcode



[Insurer] Name insurer
[InsurerAddress] Adress
[InsurerAddress2] Adress 2
[InsurerBankBic] Bic code
[InsuredBankIban] Iban code
[InsurerCountry] Country
[InsurerExists] CSS-rule insurer (normal/none)
[InsurerFax] Fax
[InsurerInformex] Informexnumber
[InsurerMail] Email-adress
[InsurerMobile] Mobilenumber
[InsurerPhone] Phone
[InsurerRef] Reference
[InsurerTown] Town
[InsurerUbenchRef] Ubench reference
[InsurerZipcode] Zipcode



[ Repairer] Naam repairer
[RepairerAddress] Adress
[RepairerCountry] Country
[RepairerExists] CSS-rule repairer (normal/none)
[RepairerFax] Fax
[RepairerMail] Email-adress
[RepairerMobile] Mobilenumber
[RepairerPhone] Phone
[RepairerRef] Reference
[RepairerTown] Town
[RepairerZipcode] Zipcode


[Supplier] Name supplier
[SupplierAddress] Adress
[SupplierCountry] Country
[SupplierExists] CSS-rule supplier (normal/none)
[SupplierFax] Fax
[SupplierMail] Email-adress
[SupplierMobile] Mobilenumber
[SupplierPhone] Phone
[SupplierRef] Reference
[SupplierTown] Town
[SupplierZipcode] Zipcode
[SupplierContact] Contactfield supplier


[Agent] Name Agent
[AgentAddress] Adress
[AgentCountry] Country
[AgentExists] CSS-rule Agent (normal/none)
[AgentFax] Fax
[AgentMail] Email-adress
[AgentMobile] Mobilenumber
[AgentPhone] Phone
[AgentRef] Reference
[AgentTown] Town
[AgentZipcode] Zipcode


[DamageList] Positional list (argument for img-script)

Damages (In blok -> [:Damages] ... [/:Damages])

[Number] Number (reference on damagemap)
[Comment] Comment
[Instruction] Instruction
[Type] Type
[Zone] Zone (description part & position)

Damages (2) (In blok -> [:Damagelines] ... [/:Damagelines])

[Name] Description (part: description with number)
[Nr] Number (reference on damagemap, repeating)
[Quantity] Quantity (task: by hours, parts: in number)
[Price] Unitprice
[SType] Type (Task/Part)
[Total] Total cost


[Order] Number
[OrderDate] Date
[OrderRemark] Remark
[PreferredSupplyDate] Supply Date

Orderlines(In blok -> [:Orderlines] ... [/:Orderlines])

[Backorder] Quantity in backorder
[CheckRec] CSS-tag Received ('checked=checked'/'')
[Descr] Description
[Number] Productnumber
[Order] Order reference (repeating)
[Quantity] Quantity
[Received] Quantity received
[Returned] Quantity returned
[Position] A sequential numbering on line level. Easy way to communicate with your supplier.
[Status] Status of the line
[Comment] Comment of the line

Orderlines 2 (In blok -> [:GroupedOrderLines])

[Backorder] Quantity in backorder
[CheckRec] CSS-tag Received ('checked=checked'/'')
[Descr] Description group
[Order] Ordernumber (repeating)
[Quantity] Quantity
[Received] Quantity received
[Returned] Quantity returned


[Comment] Comment
[InvoiceType] Invoicetype
[InvoiceNr] Invoicenumber
[InvoiceDate] Invoicedate
[InvoiceCreator] User who create the invoice
[InvoiceEnddate] Vervaldatum factuur
[InvoicePaydate] Date invoice payable
[JournalCode] Journalcode
[JournalCreator] User who saved the invoice in the journal
[JournalName] Journal name
[Reference] Long reference (from config tabel)
[ShortReference] Short reference (from config tabel)
[TotalEx] Total exclusive
[TotalIn] Total inclusive
[TotalPayable] Variable with the value of the outstanding amount of the invoice
[TotalVat] Total VAT
[VatDeduct] VAT after deduction excess
[VatPercent] Percentage VAT

Invoicelines (In blok -> [:Invoicelines] ... [/:Invoicelines])

[Description] Description
[Discount] Discountpercentage
[Quantity] Quantity
[Total] Total exclusive
[TotNoDisc] Total exclusive without discount
[UnitPrice] Unitprice
[Vat] VAT- percentage

Invoicelines 2 (In blok -> [:GroupedInvoiceLines])

[Description] Description group
[Discount] Discountpercentage
[Quantity] Quantity
[Total] Total exclusive
[TotNoDisc] Total exclusive without discount
[UnitPrice] Unitprice
[Vat] VAT-percentage


[Driver] Name driver
[DriverAddress] Adress
[DriverCountry] Country
[DriverExists] CSS-rule Driver (normal/none)
[DriverFax] Fax
[DriverLicense] Number driverlicense
[DriverMail] Email-adress
[DriverMobile] Mobilenumber
[DriverPhone] Phone
[DriverRef] Reference
[DriverTown] Town
[DriverZipcode] Zipcode


Billing party

[InvParty] Name party
[InvPartyAddress] Adress
[InvPartyAddress2] Adress 2
[InvPartyZipcode] Zipcode
[InvPartyTown] Town
[InvPartyCountry] Country
[InvPartyMobileOrPhone] Mobilenr when filled in otherwise phone
[InvPartyPhone] Phone
[InvPartyMobile] Mobilenumber
[InvPartyFax] Fax
[InvPartyMail] Mail
[InvPartyVat] VAT percentage
[InvPartyNumber] VAT-number
[InvPartyBusinessType] Type
[InvPartyRef] Number
[InvPartyContact] Contact
[InvPartyComment] Comment field
[InvPartyBankIban] Iban code
[InvPartyBankBic] Bic code
[InvPartyExtRef] Informexnumber
[InvPartyExists] CSS-rule party (normal/none)
[InvPartyInvoiceterm] Term of payment





Last update:
2019-11-28 16:55
Katrien Vanhaute
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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