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Registration of used paint/used parts

Registration of used paint / used parts


In most cases PlanManager register the amount of paint used, using a paintscale (Lacour, Standox, Glasurit) and the used parts through orders.

However if you have not made an order specifically for the file in question, because you purchase large quantities of primer, you must register the quantity when used by your employees.


Go to menu 'Maintenance' - 'Task Types'.

Open the task type where you want to see the partslist.

(for example: paint). Your employees will, when they open a task of this type, get a list of the parts of a specific type. 

Underneath the task type you see a button 'Used parts / paint'. By clicking on this button you will see a popup. Here you can indicate which parttypes you want to show to the employee. (If we continue to follow the example, the parttype 'paintproducts' will be selected.)




At the end of a task the ATR employee will get an overview of all parts/components for which he can enter the used amount.

In our example an ATR empoyee will see, when ending the task 'painting', all the components of the type 'paintingproducts'. The intention is that the emplyee correctly fill in the amount of paint he has used.




In the file you will see the partslist with an additional colomn. Here you can quickly see what the used quantities are. Reminding that these used amounts will be added on the orderlisting in the file. If you want to include the used quantities in your recalculation, you can simply enter the purchase prices of these items in the order.

Also in the list of exported acitivities you will see the indicated used quantities.

Last update:
2019-10-08 11:12
Glenn De Landtsheer
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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