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Automatic ending of time registrations

When you use the option AUTO_STOP_TASKS ('maintenance' - 'options') the time registration will be stopped after a certain time after the employee scheduled schedule, if the employee has an hourly schedule.


You enter 180 as value. The config works with minutes.

Employee A has an hourly schedule from 8:00 untill 17:00.
If employee A is still logged in on a task at 20:00, the task will be stopped and displayed in the order that his task has taken place untill 17:00.
This option will actually stops all tasks of those who have an hourly schedule, 180 minutes after the duration of his/her schedule (in this example).
This will only come into effect when a task is started in the timetable and not afterwards.
This means that when (in this example) the employee starts a task at 17:00 this task will never be stopped even when this option is used.
NOTE: If you enter '0' as value or something not numeric, the option will be seen as 'not in use' and the tasks will not be stopped. So actually a minium as '1' should be filled in if you want to use this option.
Last update:
2019-10-08 11:13
Katrien Vanhaute
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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