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Calculation of the parts purchase value.

In the claim you will find a list of items you can order. The prices of these items are sales prices. To make a proper post calculation, it is important that the right purchase values are entered in PlanManager.

You can restrict completing this purchase value to a minimum by using the standard discount of your supplier. Many suppliers charge a fixed discount of x%. In the menu Maintenance - Third parties - Suppliers can set a default discount rate.

If your supplier doesn’t grant you any discount, you can fill a standard discount rate of 0%. In this way, PlanManager will always equate the sales price to the purchase price.

If you do not want PlanManager to calculate the purchase price you can leave the case blank. You are then free to enter the discount percentage or the purchase price itself. This is useful when another discount applies for each item.

Below are a few examples to illustrate:

If an item has a retail price of £ 100 and the supplier has a standard discount rate of 10% over the purchase price is £ 90.

If an item has a retail price of £ 100 and the supplier has a standard discount rate of 0%, the purchase price is £ 100.

If a component has a standard discount rate (ie, the field is not filled) has a retail price of 100euro and the supplier then the purchase is not completed. There is then in fact assumed that the discounts or purchase prices are only known by delivery or billing.


To recap: By default there will never be a calculated purchase price. It is only when you assign a standard discount rate to a supplier, that the purchase price is automatically calculated based on the discount rate.


Last update:
2019-10-08 11:20
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