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How do I send a quote?


Since its release in June 2016, it is possible to send quotation requests to different suppliers as an easy way to get the best price for your order. Below is an overview of all facets of this new implementation with accompanying explanations.

Job postings activate your surroundings

To activate this new feature, go to “System - Permissions”, there you select the user who should be activated. Then click the ”plus” icon next to "Claims", check all the boxes next to "Offer Request" and "Offer Request” and click on “Save Permissions” top left of your screen.

If you go to the Claim tab, you will see that the sub Offer Request has been added.

A request for an offer sent to several supplier

When you create an item to order, click on the file screen on the 'Order' button, this will open a popup. Now you will see a dropdown menu where you can select 'Offer'.


Then you can, in the field next to the 'Offer' button, select the suppliers you want to send an offer to.

If you click on the 'offer' button, you get an overview of the tender lines and different suppliers. Here you can make adjustments if necessary, add pictures, select a final answer date and add a comment.

When you save everything, you can click on the button 'Ask offers' to send the offer request.

The supplier receives the offer request

Once your offer request has been sent, the supplier will receive an email that looks like this.

If the supplier clicks on this link, he will be taken to a screen where he can enter prices and as such can send them back to your PlanManager.




The offer comes into PlanManager

When a supplier has sent a response to your offer request, you will see this immediately in the File menu - Offer requests. Here you have an overview of the sent offer requests and the answer. In the offers  that have an answer you will see the suggested price and a green check. In this table you can easily compare the prices from the different suppliers.

If you compared the prices and made your selection, click the button "Order" under the column of the supplier of your choice.After clicking on the "order" button, you will see that an order is created automatically. Then click "Order XXXX" and you will be referred to the corresponding order page.

Now you will only have to click on 'Communicate' to place your order.

You can also choose to see the buying or selling price that the supplier sent . You can select the prices you want to see using the dropdown on top of the field.


If you want to see the sales values, select "Show Sale Value '.

When you click the 'Send to estimation', the components are added to the current specifications in this claim. If no specification exists, there will be created a new frame. If a part of the components in this offer is linked to a support framework and a part not yet, the components will be those not yet been coupled are added to a set of specifications of the scope in which the other components of the offer are already linked to.

Then you will be redirected to the file screen for each file.

Last update:
2019-10-08 11:20
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