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How to change a jobnumber

Top left of the screen job is the job number. This can be either a positive or negative number - or for a new job - an empty value, being 3 horizontal dashes. The blank value is automatically replaced by the following positive number so that you usually have to do anything to give the job a number.

If you want to change it yet, click with the mouse on the number or dashes. Now you yourself can choose a new number. Note: If the selected number already exists, the system will display a warning



For the job to display the next number in the system, you can use the code word "new".



Internal records, for example monthly passes are indicated by negative numbers. To easily find the lowest number in the system you can use the code word "intern".  ⇛     

Last update:
2019-10-08 11:22
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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