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How does the damage analysis work?

When you click on the top right in a job on the "Damage" button, you will get 3 options: "Damage" - "Inspector App" - "Damage Analysis".



If you click on "Damage Analysis", you will get a new page where you will be able to choose between two different modes: "Standard Repair" and "Smart Repair".


1. Standard Repair:

The subfields are introduced according to the description of the procedure (after the config option "INSPECTOR_IMPORT_REPAIRDESC").


If the amounts of all the tasks corresponding  the estimation based on the hourly rates, rates will register, otherwise not.

Task types are merged into one line per job.

In PlanManager, you will have three fields to enter the time (Dis/assembly, bodywork and Prep./Paintwork).


2. Smart Repair:

There are new job lines created by task type. The name of the zones are introduced into the field notes of the task as shown in the configuration "INSPECTOR_ZONES_IN_TASK_REMARKS" if introduced on "Yes".

On the table in PlanManager, there will be only one field where we can fill in the time and an additional field "Discount" will be visible.



List of different configurations of the damage analysis.



This configuration has the effect when creating commands via the tablet or via the "Add a new play."

If the config is set to "Yes", it means that PlanManager will create a new block by training area. The zones are repeated, but receive the same number.

If the config is set to "no", the various instructions are on the same line.



This means if we will import the damage and repair descriptions from Inspector.


IF EMPTY: Filled only if the field is empty.

ALWAYS: always filled. This will overwrite the data that are already in the field.

APPEND: Filled always. The new data will be added to the previous. So it will not overwrite the old data.

NEVER: Never full.



Determines whether the subzone, or if there is no subzone is added to the remarks of the task.

If the config is set to "yes", it means that the subzone is added to the remarks of the task. The remarks are defined like this:

  1. There is a subzone subzone → Name

  2. There is a part name → Part Name

  3. Zone Name

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2019-10-08 11:31
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