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How to work with the damage flow

The bodywork of today is confronted with the emergence of new repair methods. Not only do they have technical implications, but there are also consequences for timing, human resources and planning. To integrate these different methods (classic repair, smart repair, one day repair, ...) and follow-up in PlanManager, extra functionality is provided.


If you goes to file -> a job and then choose Damage -> Damage details. Then you'll see - like the screen below - the damage with the details.

Here you can choose which type of damage is involved, you can choose the initial point of contact, indicate the damaged areas, indicate the shock direction, whether there is a total loss, what the expected liability is and whether or not an expert is requested.

Choises of the initial point of application:


When everything is filled in as desired, click on "Save"
If you then enter an appointment date in the file, it will appear in Planning -> Damage flow

 There you can filter the calendar by location (1), date (2) and the damage flow type (3):

As mentioned earlier, there are standard 3 types of damage flows included in PlanManager, but you can create, modify or delete them yourself.
To do this go to System -> lists (1) -> Damage flow type (2). Then fill in the desired name and color. A matching color for that type of damage can be selected (4).
If everything is the way you want it then click on save (5)
If you want to restart then click on New (3) and the fields will be cleared.



 You can also set how many repairs can be done on one day. For example, there can be done many more smartrepairs per day than repairs that take a whole day.

To set this up, go to System -> Lists -> Repair type.

Here you will see the following field:



 As an example, the 1-day repair has been selected. The list (1) shows the location (there may be several locations in your management with different capacities) and in the field (2) you can enter the number of maximum repairs. To adjust this number first click Edit, make the adjustments and then choose save.

Last update:
2019-10-08 11:34
Jean Claude
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