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Group multiple jobs into 1 invoice.


The group invoicing allows you to group multiple jobs into a single invoice. This is useful if you have customers who repair several cars per month, but want one invoice.


The menu group invoice ④ is not enabled by default. You will need to activate this for your users. Go to System ① - Permissions ②, and make sure that Group invoice ④ is checked in the section Invoicing.


How to make a grouped invoice?

Go to the Invoicing menu - Grouped invoice, here you will see an overview of all your jobs to be invoiced. On the left you can use the filter to display selected jobs.

Make sure that any file you wish to invoice is filled in.

Select the files you want to group on one invoice. Then click the Create invoice button.



An invoice will be created in which the selected jobs are combined. You can customize this invoice even further but keep in mind that if you change lines, these changes will not affect the calculated margin.

PlanManager will clear the batch invoicing, creating a single invoice file for each job. The contribution report and the financial calculations therefore will always be calculated on the internal invoices and not on the grouped invoice.


When you are sure the data on the invoice is correct, click the Assign Document No. button. You can print the invoice thereafter.

You can print the grouped invoice in detail, but in most cases you will need a new PDF layout to deliver a well-grouped invoice to your customer.

This new invoice layout can be custom made and can be requested at support@insypro.com.



Last update:
2019-10-08 11:39
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