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Inspector app - How do I download it , install it and add it to PlanManager?

1. Download the application on our website  http://insypro.com/android/ and choose"Inspector"

2. Once you install the application "Inspector", you will receive a shortcut on your desktop or on the page of all your applications on your smartphone

3.At the first use, the application will ask you this data:

  • Username: the forename and lastname. Be careful to put a space between the fore and last name.

  • Password: the PlanManager password (if you put a capital letter in the PlanManager password, be sure to enter it here also)

  • Company name: You can find this information when you click on the "Help" tab at the top right: "PlanManager company name" (lowercase)

4. the last step is to activate the application "Inspector". To do this, open Inspector, click the top left "Claim +" and search for a file that exists on your PlanManager. You will receive a message saying you need to activate your application. Then go on the "Maintenance" tab - "tablet" - "Devices" and click activate at the right end of the line for your device.


Last update:
2022-02-10 13:32
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