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Reception app - How do I download it, install it and add it to PlanManager?

1. Download the application through our website http://insypro.com/android and choose the reception application.

2. Install the application and you will get a desktop shortcut on your tablet or on the applications page.

3. In PlanManager go to the "Maintenance" tab - "Tablet" - "Devices" and click "New". Select "Reception" and select your language. Then click "Generate activation code" and you will get a QR code on your screen.

4. Open the "Reception" app on your tablet and scan the QR code created in PlanManager. You can scan directly from your computer screen. You do not need to print your code.

Reception The application is now registered to your database and ready for use.

5. Find out about how the "Reception" application works to learn how to use the application



Last update:
2022-02-10 13:32
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