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Inspector app - How do I send a claim (back) to the tablet?

You have already completed your inspection on the Inspector app on your tablet and already deleted it, but you realize you have forgotten to take some pictures ... No problem! You can send your file again to your tablet by going to the Job, click on the Damage button and then click on Inspector app button. In the next screen you can choose to which inspector app ① you want to send the job.

Then, on your tablet, click the "Import" button. You can take pictures again. These new photos will be added, to the existing pictures.

Warning: If you designate new damages, your previous damages will be deleted!

Another way to reload the job is to, with your tablet, scan the qr-code that you generated ② by following the same step as above.

0n the tablet you click on “+File”, then on 'Barcode' and scan the qr-code, now you will find the job on your tablet.

Last update:
2022-02-10 13:33
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