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Inspector app - the application does not connect to PlanManager


There are two possibilities, why you can not make a connection between PlanManager and the inspector application.

No internet connection

The application on the tablet is an offline application, which means it can be used without the need for internet connection. But the application will use the internet connection to import PlanManager files and to export files to PlanManager.

Make sure you have an internet connection on your tablet. The easiest way to control it is by clicking the Internet browser icon (chrome or any other browser). Try to navigate to a website, for example http://google.com. If it does not work, then you do not have an internet connection.

Control your wifi connection. Turn off if necessary and turn the wifi back on.


Wrong configuration settings

Each tablet is configured during installation to ensure that there is communication with the PlanManager environment. These configurations may have been changed for one reason or another. In this case, you can configure them correctly by clicking the "Options" button in the "Inspector" application.



In the next screen you click:


Now you will see a list with the configuration settings. Here below is an overview of the parameters that are specific to the customer.


In API_URL field, it must be the url http://yourcompany.planmanager.insypro.com/index.php. yourcompany must always in lower case and without spaces.

API_USER: Here enter the same first and last name that you use to connect to PlanManager.

API_PASS: The password you use to connect to PlanManager.

LANGUAGE: dropdown list

AUTOSTART_CAM: If the value is to 1, then the camera will automatically start.

All other configuration settings are filled in as standard.

If all your settings are configured correctly, you can close the program and then attempt to restart the app.

Last update:
2022-02-10 13:34
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