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Scan app - How do I download it, install it and add it to PlanManager?


You can scan the barcodes of various suppliers coupled with a bar code scanner to the PC, but this is not always convenient. Sometimes there is no computer nearby. A small tablet application was developed that can scan the codes of your suppliers and forward to PlanManager.


Download the app by scanning http://insypro.com/android/scanner.apk

You’ll need to activate the program for the first time.


Go Plan Manager to manage - tablet - devices. Click the "New" button at the top left. Then select the app "Scan" and the language with which you want to use the application.

Click "Generate activation code", scan the code with the application. The device is now activated and linked to your PlanManager environment.


The scan application can scan everything. To learn how to scan the application-specific code you should contact your supplier.

Last update:
2022-02-10 13:34
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