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Reception app - Can I take in/deliver the damage car and courtesy car at a different time of day?


When the courtesy car has been planned more than 4 hous later as the damage car, it will be initially seen as a damage car alone (not the combination of a damage car and a courtesy car). Once the damage car has been taken in, the courtesy car will show up on its planned start. Notice: this courtesy car will have a job number. 


It works the other way around when we look at the returns. When the courtesy car its planned end has been planned in more than 4 hours earlier as the damage car, it will show up as a courtesy car itself (not the combination of courtesy car and damage car). Notice that this courtesy car will have a job number as well. Once the courtesy car has been taken in the damagecar will show up on its predicted end.


As a result, several courtesy cars can be taken in / delivered on one job. It is therefore possible to initially give a customer a courtesy car and to exchange it at a later time with another courtesy car without having to hand over the damaged car again.


Last update:
2022-02-10 13:35
Nicolas Schelkens
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