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How to plan a claim / job

Before we can start planning we first have to fill in the knowledge and efficiency of each of our employees who execute repairs in our workshop.

To do so go to “Maintenance - Organisation - Personnel” and click on “Click here to edit knowledge and efficiency of each task type.” The next screen will open.

Here you can fill in the knowledge and efficiency for this employee:

This is clearly a painter, so we put in that he has knowledge of stripping and reassembly, but isn’t as good (60) as he is in preparation and paint work (125). So PlanManager will only give him stripping and assembly jobs if there is no one else available with more efficiency.

Once you’ve done this for all your employees, you can start planning.

To plan a job, you first open the job, then you click on the claim you want to plan ①, you tick the planning field ② and you will see that the planning button ③ on top has become coloured.

When you click on this planning button ③ you can see next screen:


Here you can see the best case scenario and the worst case. If you want to use the best case scenario you click on “Plan best option”      and the claim will be planned according to the best case scenario:

You eventually can change this planning, simply by dragging the blocks.

Also, by hovering over the blocks you can see additional information concerning that task.

If you click on claims to plan you see the claims that haven’t yet been planned:


To plan these, simply click on the line.


You can also plan on a semi-automatically and manually:

First I’ll show you the semi-automatic way:

At the bottom of your Approximate planning screen, you click on the advanced button:


This will bring you to the next screen:

Here you can choose: ASAP, from the date of the appointment (vehicle in or ready to start), you can plan backwards (to the estimated date of completion) or on a custom date.

In this example I’m choosing “Book in date” and click on plan:

Here you can choose which employee you want to assign the task, in this case stripping.

On the blocks on the left you see their disponabilities on the left and their capabilities on the right (stars, how to adjust these will be explained later). By clicking on the blocks you can assign this task to the chosen person and this will take you to the next planning screen for the next task.

On the right you can see that the previous task (Stripping) was assigned to VENUS WILLIAMS.

Once you’ve done this for all employees you will see the next screen with a summary, from here you can go to the planning screen or the claim screen:


In this case I choose the planning screen and I can see the planning I’ve just put in(it will be blinking and the tasks are connected:

Also here, you eventually can change the planning, simply by dragging the blocks.


However you can also plan completely manually by clicking on “manual”:

You will get the planning screen,

where you can drag & drop the blocks of the different tasks to the right employee:


A final possibility is to plan by task:

To do this, click on “Workshop”, you will see that on the left there is a list of employees and on the right the different jobs, sorted by task. Simply drag & drop the blocks to the employee concerned:

You can eventually sort on tasks en / or files:

It is possible to the prevent to take in account the hours of an employee in the planning.

This means for example that I have an employee "A" that has an 8h working day, but I do not want these 8 hours to appear in the total hours available for my planning.

To do this, simply go to the "Maintenance" tab - "Organisation" - "Personnel", click the employee in question, check the "Planning" and then click on the box to change the competence for each type of task.

In this window, uncheck all the boxes.

From now on, your employee will appear in the planning, but his hours will not be taken in account.


Last update:
2019-10-08 11:55
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