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How do I activate the stock system for a location?

If you work for the first time with our stock system, it may be that you receive a message: "Please, please select a supplier for the location." This means that the location, which is linked to an order, doesn’t have a stock. If you want to change this, you must create a supplier and linked it to the location.

1. Create a supplier

Go to the "Maintenance" tab - "Third parties" - "Suppliers"

Then click the "New" button and fill out the form. Then click "Save"

2. Bind a supplier to a location

Once you create the supplier, you must still link it to a location (site). Go to the "Maintenance" tab - "Organization" - "location"

Then click on the desired site. Data from this site will be displayed in the left screen. Select the supplier you created and click on "Save"


Last update:
2019-10-08 12:00
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