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Survey - how to.


Satisfaction surveys are an important topic. Almost all insurance companies require to submit a satisfaction survey or ask permission to your the customer to send them a survey.

With one click, you can send your satisfaction survey through PlanManager and your customer can respond on any device (PC, Mac, Smartphone, Tablet). So it will be easy for you to follow up the satisfaction degree of your customers - and if any has remarks to react swiftly.


The activation of the system

You can activate the satisfaction survey by going to the "System" tab - "Survey". If the system is not activated yet, you will be asked if you want to activate the system.

A simple click on the "Activate" button will bring you to the home screen. In this screen, you can create a new satisfaction survey. The number of survey you v-can create is unlimited, so you can create one for your regular customer, but also for a leasing cy, etc.

Creating a new satisfaction survey

Visit the "System" tab - "survey". If your PlanManager has already activated the survey system, you will see an overview of all your satisfaction surveys.

Click "Create new survey."

Give a title to your inquiry, then click "Next."


You will now find yourself in the survey menu. On the left side, you can choose your different questions / answers. Just drag the blocks on the middle of the page to build your survey.


Home: Your style (corporate colors, logo)


In the build menu of an survey, you can click start page. This is the first page that your customer will see. Here you can put an introduction.


Click "Save and go back" to save and return to the home page.

You mistakenly registered your starting page? No problem, in the overview, you can remove it:

Add questions

Click on a survey element on the left to add questions to your survey. In some types of question, you can set additional options (eg the choice or the number of smileys).

Try to limit the number of questions and to make them clear and short.

Last page

After putting in all the elements, you can create the last page. Thank the customer for their cooperation and ensure that you will take  his feedback into account.



Once you've finished creating your start page, your questions and your last page, click on "Publish Changes" on the top right of the page.

You can click "Preview survey" to see what your survey looks.


Sending the survey.

To send the survey, go to the concerning job, and - once the job has the status delivered/Picked up - and click on  , you will get next screen where you can choose the survey, the party, language and email and click on send.

You will find the individual results of the survey under the same icon:


Filter the results.

Go to the "System" tab - "surveys".

In the overview of surveys, click "Analyze" on the survey you want to see results from, here you have an overall view.





Last update:
2019-10-08 12:03
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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