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How does the car fleet work.

Creation of replacement car rental

1. From a job

In order to book a car rental from a job, you should have introduced an owner within the job.

Once the owner has been added, you can see the little icon 'Car fleet' at the top right

Fill in the fields "Book in date" and "Est Comp Date" and click the "Car fleet" button.


A new window will appear. The data that you have entered in the fields "Book in date" and "Est Comp Date" will be already completed on this new window.

At the bottom of this window you will see all your replacement vehicles that are available between the start and end dates that you added.

You also have the tool ' show/hide filter' that you can use to reduce your list of available vehicles.

Select from the list the replacement car you want to lend and click 'save '.

This new window will appear:

You can see the different data of this rental. Then click the button 'Go to rental planning' in order to view the planning.


2. directly from the Car fleet screen

If you want to create a rental of a replacement vehicle, but which is not connected to a job, click the 'Car fleet' tab to view the planning of the replacement cars.

You can create a rental in 3 different ways:

  1. by clicking anywhere in the planning screen

  2. by clicking on the icon next to the car you want to rent

  3. by clicking on the icon, here you will have to put in the start and stop date and time, then you will get a selection of cars available during that period.


You will see a new window. Here you can fill in the name of the customer, the beginning and end of rental, the rental reason, whether the rental is free of charge, yes or no and then click 'save reservation' or ‘save and start rental’.


3. Start and stop the rental of a replacement vehicle.

Click on the 'Rental' tab to view your schedule of replacement car.

Right click with your mouse on the bar of the vehicle which you want to start renting and click on 'start '.


This new window will appear:

Complete the data if necessary (mileage, fuel level, damage,...) and then click on the button 'start '.

A PDF will be generated automatically, print it out and get the customer to sign at the bottom of the document.

rental agreement_Page_1.png

The same procedure applies  when you need to stop the renting. Make a right click on the bar of the vehicle and click on 'stop '.

Right clicking on the rental block will also show you next possibilities:

  1. Go to claim / job: clicking here will redirect you to the concerned job ( if the rental car is linked to a job )

  2. Make invoice: from here you can directly create an invoice for the rental.

  3. Print agreement: print or re-print the rental agreement

  4. Print ticket police: standard letter to send with the traffic ticket send to you by the police.

  5. see button 4 alternate language.

  6. Start: as explained higher

  7. stop: as explained higher

  8. Communications: all communications concerning the rental.

  9. Change car: this will give you a list of alternate cars which are free during the reserved period of this block.

  10. Block vehicle: you can stop anyone of renting the car to another customer, for example: if the driver needs an automatic.

  11. Edit: to edit all data concerning the rental.

  12. Remove: can only be used if the car rental hasn’t already been started.


You can add extra services to your rentals, for example: Pickup and dropoff or certain damages.

You can then invoice these services, on the first rental invoice or on the last.

To activate this feature go to “Car Fleet- Services”; here you can create the necessary services, by clicking on new, naming the service, selecting a type and setting when you want to invoice this service:

Now when you stop a rental you will be able to indicate this services, and add a price to be invoiced, as shown above.

PS: if this feature is not visible when you stop the rental, go to “System - Settings”, search for RENTAL_SERVICES and set this config to yes.


You can use the filter in the Courtesy Car Planning to look for a car adapted to your customers wishes, for example: automatic.

In the same way you can show the inactivated cars in this planning:

Last update:
2019-10-08 12:12
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