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How to create an estimate

How to create an estimation:

Manually in PlanManager

It is possible to create manual estimates in PlanManager. Open the job in question and click "New Task" at the bottom left of your screen.

A new screen will appear. Select the type, time and the price of the job. For example: stripping: 10 UT and 48.5 € / h. You can eventually add a comment which can be referred to on your invoice. Then click "Save and new line" if you want to create a second task for that estimation.


Follow this procedure until you have your full estimation.


Automatic on PlanManager with standard jobs

It is also possible to create standard jobs in PlanManager and then import them directly into your application without having to encode all the various tasks.

To create a standard job refer to 'How to create a standard job' under Claims in our FAQ.

To use a standard job, you have to click on the blue arrow on the right in the middle of your screen.


Choose one or more standard works of the list you want to import your job and click


The system will show you all tasks and parts found in the standard works.

You can change the data as desired, the hourly rate, the duration of the different tasks, etc.

You can also clear the lines of tasks or parts you do not want to add to the estimation.

When you agree with the data entered, click "Import"

After clicking "Import", the system will add to the estimation all the tasks you've selected.

If the system sees that there is already a task "PANEL WORK" in your basic estimation and you add a new time for the same task  PlanManager will add these 2 times.

You can also directly plan this estimation by clicking on “Import and plan”. More about the planning in our FAQ under Planning - How to plan a claim / job.

Creating an estimation with the  Damage analysis

The damage analysis is a fantastic tool to make an estimation in a very fast and accurate way.

First click on the damage icon in the job screen, then, in the next screen, click on the damage analysis icon , you will get the following screen:

Here you can put in the hourly rate, ( you will have to put an insurer in your job screen to make this work, you can eventually link the hourly rate to the insurer, this will transfer this hourly rate to the damage analysis) the amount for environment and anti-rust, paint products are calculated automatically at 30% (from the total of the paint labour) and utility at 2% (from the total of the parts). Now you can add new parts:

You will have to select a zone, and then a subzone (optional). Then you can add an instruction, times for the different tasks or a total amount and the price of the part:

You click add and now you either can add another part or end the calculation:


Click 'make estimation' to add the estimation to your job or print to print the estimation.

The claim estimation can also be started from our inspector app, to do this check our FAQ - Mobile/Tablet.


How to add a discount on an estimation

There is an additional field "Discount" (1) on the new task and new part page. Click on the Edit icon (2) in the tasks or parts table on the job screen.



This allows you to add a discount (1 & 2) in the estimate. This discount istransferred to the invoice lines when you create an invoice.

Last update:
2019-10-08 12:13
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