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How to send a vehicle to the workshop

Send a vehicle to the workshop

The goal is to enter the vehicle in the workshop so that employees can begin the repair of the car and clock on the different tasks.

First you must locate the vehicle in the job list.

Job tab - List of jobs: type the license plate (or part - minimum 3 characters) in the filter field and hit the <Enter> key to open the job in question.

In order to put a vehicle in the workshop, 4 conditions must be met:

1)      Tasks must exist for the job.

2)      The vehicle must be present in your bodyshop (click the small clock next to the field          'Vehicle In date' -> date and time of the 'click' are filled in and the box 'Vehicle in’ is          ticked.

3)      An estimate must exist for which the "RO" button is enabled.

4)      On this quote "RO" there must be at least one task that does not have the status



Once these conditions are fulfilled the job will appear in the Workshop screen.


By clicking on this job your colleague in the workshop will see the different tasks and the damage and if necessary the pictures of the car.

Last update:
2019-10-08 12:13
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