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Can I link PlanManager with Sage 50 Accounting?

Yes, you can!

PlanManager can be linked with Sage 50 Accounting. A Sage 50 account is needed for this functionality.

Send a email to support@insypro.com for enabling the use of this package in combination with PlanManager.


How do I export my invoices and import them into Sage50?


1. You go to ‘Invoicing’ in Planmanager.


2. Go to ‘Accounting’


3. Select the location and fill in the invoices dates you want to export. You can choose to export the invoices by date or by invoice number.



4. Click on ‘Reset invoices’ (first) and then ‘Export invoices’


5. A CSV-file will be exported. It should be this format:

TYPE, CLIENTCODE, LEDGERNR, 'RANDOMNUMBER'// Empty field, DATE, INVOICENUMBER,  'DETAILS', //Description (filenr\licenseplate\claimnr), NETAMOUNT, 'TAXCODE', //VAT code, 'VATAMOUNT'//VAT amount

6. When the CSV-file is exported, when can import the file into Sage50. Click on ‘Import transactions’


7. Select the file you want to import.




8. In case of any issue, you’ll receive an error message when you try to import the file. You need to fix the issue first before importing the file again.

9. Import the file into Sage50.



10. Open Sage50 and go to the ‘Customer Record’


11. Open the ‘Customer record’ and open the ‘Activity’. The invoices lines should be shown here.






Last update:
2019-10-08 12:15
Jean Claude
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