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KPI: Key Performance Indicators

The reason for this report is to allow a shop to set a time period (KPI) for how long a job can stay in a status before it is alerted as a problem. By using this report it becomes easier for a shop to understand which jobs may be delayed or lead into a complaint as they are not being handled effectively and as per the businesses targets and SLAs with their Insurer partners.

The below explains how to set the report up:
Within general settings the Bodyshop can set up when the target should go green, amber and red. These are set as %’s so if the target timeframe is 1 hour and the amber trigger is at 50% then the job will turn amber when the job has been in the status for 30mins> (up to and until the red tigger).

Within the Status set up page (Settings>Lists>Status). The user can define the KPI target for each status. Not every status must have a KPI target only the ones the shop would like to report on.

The KPI can be set as days and/or hours. These are calendar times, so 7 days will include Saturdays and Sundays. Calendar days was selected as this is easier to handle with moving of Bank holidays and also is a standard understanding regardless of country, region and process.


With the report configured, when run the user will see the report as per below, the user can export and schedule this report if the please.


The jobs are also selectable, so they can select a line to go straight into the job to gather more information or take any necessary actions.




Last update:
2019-10-08 14:12
Jean Claude
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