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Turnaround time.

Turnaround time.


This graf shows the average turnaround time in days.

You can filter on location, date type, start and end date, calculation (between which date types should the calculation be made), time calculation and you also can fill in the turnaround target days.


Última actualización:
2019-10-08 14:20
Valoración media:0 (0 votos)

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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.


  1. Informe de reclamaciones. (13104 vistas)
  2. Informe de productividad. (13090 vistas)
  3. Informe de alquiler. (13045 vistas)
  4. Informe de vehículos prioritarios. (13033 vistas)
  5. Informe de tiempos de cambio (12939 vistas)
  6. Informe de comunicaciones. (12905 vistas)
  7. Informe de horas por semana. (12816 vistas)
  8. Informe de entregas. (12769 vistas)
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  3. 2021-08 Agusto (2021-08-24 09:21)
  4. Rango de IP (2021-07-30 13:17)
  5. 2021-05 Mayo (2021-07-07 08:56)