How to limit access of my staff to specific files.

In the menu Maintenance - Personnel every member of the personnel has a button "ACL" to the right. (ACL = access control list)

This button allows you to select which files your staff can see.

We do this by looking at the owner, sentby, repairer and location.

By default, a user has no restrictions and he / she will see all the files.

If a specific owner is designated, only files with this owner will be displayed.

If a specific sentby is designated, only files with this party will be displayed.

If a specific repairer is designated, only files with this repairer will be displayed.

If a specific location is designated, files will only be displayed to that location. Note that even in the invoicing screen only invoices are displayed with that location.


Last update:
2020-04-20 15:43
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