2021-08 August

Data center Switzerland  

Behind this we continue to work on improving the performance  of PlanManager. Preparations are also being made for switching to our new infrastructure in Switzerland. 

Extra logs  

Additional logs were added that provide an overview of when a particular device has updated the application. You can find the logs by going to System – Logs in PlanManager. 


Send quotes to multiple email addresses 

An adjustment was made so that from now on it is possible to send quotations to multiple email addresses. You can separate the email addresses by means of a comma. 

Switch environment button + ability to remove users in the workshop application 

An adjustment was made so that the 'environment change' button is no longer visible by default on the application login screen. As soon as the new release of the application is available, you can only switch environments by holding down the PlanManager logo.  

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated 

This was adjusted because the 'change of environment' button was often accidentally pressed when logging in/ changing staff members IN the workshop application. Furthermore, an adjustment was also made so that when registering different staff members, an admin user must be entered first. The admin user is the only user on the tablet who has permissions to remove other users. You can freely choose the admin user per device. 

Last update:
2021-07-30 09:18
Sophia Bouhajra
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