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2021-09 September

Future Development expected to be released this month: Stop tasks automatically after midnight 

A new configuration will be added that will ensure that tasks started after the schedule will be automatically stopped after midnight. You can set this up using the following configuration: AUTO_STOP_PRESENCE_AT_MIDNIGHT. 

Pictures workshop application 

From the next release of the workshop application it will be possible to add pictures from the gallery to the general pictures. Pictures will also be automatically saved in the gallery to avoid data loss. You can add the photos from the gallery to the job by pressing the following icon: 

A picture containing chart

Description automatically generated 



Parts order from the workshop application 

From the next release of the workshop app it will be possible to work with numbers after the decimal point. This was not possible in the past. 

Graphical user interface, text, application, Teams

Description automatically generated 

Adjustment popup 'go to planning’ 

When you press the planning icon after scheduling tasks in a job, you have the option to press the 'go to planning' button here: 


When pressing the button, PlanManager will take you, to the first task in the planning. A change has been made here so that from this release on, PlanManager will take you to the first task that is not on the status 'completed'. You can use the following configuration: PLANNING_GO_TO_ACTIVITY_FROM_JOB 

Workshop control report 

A new report was created in PlanManager with the following info:  

Job: jobnumber, license plate, make, model, insurer 

Total hours: hours 

  • Task type name: hours, initials (of the assigned technician) 
    Background color: green -> every task for that task type = completed  

  • orange → at least 1 task for that task type = progress, 

  • light grey if there is no task for this task type. 

ECD: the ECD 
Background color: red → if overdue 

Days on site: calculate the days between today and vehicle in date.  

Parts: <parts delivered>/<total parts ordered> 
Background color: green -> every part is delivered 


Description automatically generated 

You can find this report by going to Report – Operational- Workshop control report. 

Scheduled delivery date 

From this release onwards, it is possible to add a delivery date to a supplier. You can do this by going to Management - Third Parties - Suppliers. 

From now on, it is also possible to adjust the planned delivery time manually per item. 

Last update:
2021-09-03 13:25
Sophia Bouhajra
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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