Additional logging of deletion activities

As of this release (06/21), additional logging has been added regarding deletion of activities in the file. Previously there was a log that showed that a certain activity was deleted, however there was no task type included. In the past the log had the following format: 

 staff member [day: start time → end time]. 

This has been changed so that the logs now also show which activity (+ which task) was removed from the file. From now on, the log is composed of the following format:  

staff member / task type [day: start time → end time] 

If the task changes, this information can also be found in the logs: 

In the 'reason' column you can find the task before modification, in the 'value' column you can find the task after modification. So if there would be an adjustment to a certain activity whereby the task would also be changed, you can find this from now on also in the logs. 


In the example below, the task preparation was modified to the task assembly. A log will be created with activity modified with in the 'reason' column preparation and in the 'value' column assembly. In both logs this info will be displayed based on the new format (staff member/task type [day: start time → end time]). 

You can find the logs by going to System - Logs. The modification/deletion of activities can also be found in the case logs. 

Last update:
2022-02-09 08:47
Sophia Bouhajra
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