Workshop app extra functionality: change the status of the job

An extra functionality has been written that makes it possible to change the status of the job through the workshop application. By default, this function is not activated. In PlanManager the following configuration was added for this purpose: WORKSHOP_JOB_STATUS_CHANGEABLE_FROM_TASKTYPES.

In this config you can fill in the different tasks.



If the users of the workshop application will stop one of the tasks, an extra screen will appear in the application. Here the user will be asked if he wants to change the status of the job. The user will get a list of statuses from which he can choose. Which statuses the user will see, depends on the statuses entered in the following configuration: WORKSHOP_JOB_STATUSES_CHANGEABLE_TO. If you want to use this new functionality, it is important that both configurations are filled in correctly.

Last update:
2022-02-10 14:12
Sophia Bouhajra
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