2022-05 may

Workshop applicatie multi-user

When using the workshop app where multiple users are logged in, the first user to be registered in the app will be the 'admin user'. Until now, there was no indication anywhere in the app who this admin user is.



From the next release, of the workshop application, the name of the admin user of the workshop app will appear in the settings – Version info. This user can add/remove other users.


Settings workshop application with multiple users

From the next release of the workshop application, the settings can only be managed by the admin user. The admin user is the first person to be registered in the workshop app. As described above, after updating the app to the latest version, you can find the admin user under 'settings – version info'.

If only 1 user was registered in the workshop application, the settings are all visible to this one user.


Admin user:



Regular user:



Extra log – change repair type

From now on, a new log was added. It is now possible to see in the logs when a repair type has been changed. You can adjust a damage flow type by going to the damage details in the PlanManager job.




Additional fields damage details job

2 additional fields were added to the damage details of the job. You can now indicate on which date the calculation was created and on which date the estimation was approved.



You can find these fields by going to the damage details in the job.


You can also filter on these fields in the job list. When the job list is exported, these fields are also exported.


Additional job list icon

From this release, an additional symbol will appear in the job list when the planned end date is before the end of the planning.




Last update:
2022-04-28 12:45
Sophia Bouhajra
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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