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01. Nieuwe core 20240105 installeren en/of nakijken op de laatste versie.


should only be installed if your database has already been migrated. You can check this in the “Help” menu and if the App server contains solera.farm then you have been migrated to our new servers.



Install new core 20240105 and/or check for latest version:

You need to install the new core on all computers using PlanManager. This should fix any missing features.

Here's how to check which version of the core is installed on your PC:

The latest version of the core is 20240105

The latest version of Planmanager is 202416

Troubleshooting: If you encounter any problems during the installation process, our support team is ready to help you. You can contact them by email at support@solera.com or by calling our helpdesk at +32 3 727 12 12 or +32 2 705 35 00.

We strongly recommend that you watch the instructional video carefully, because it shows step by step how to install the new core.

Thanks for your cooperation. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

The PlanManager Team 

Last update:
2024-07-01 14:59
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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